July 16 thru 31, 2015

Cayley's Bed

Cayley’s Bed 7-16-15

7-16-15 She is enjoying rhythmic gymnastics camp this week. After I dropped her off, I went to my hot power yoga class, then headed to the American Girl store to get her some birthday gifts. That place is scary! $125 for her doll, Cayley’s bed, $28 for a pet cat, $12 for a jeweled collar and $20 for a couple of movies! I hope my kid knows how fortunate she is! Picked her up and told her on the way home that I had signed her up for science camp in a couple of weeks. You would have thought I was torturing her. She’s almost crying saying she doesn’t want to go to science camp because it will be like school and she will have to learn! So glad my kid has a love of learning…not!
7-17-15 Morning ice skating, then final day of rhythmic gymnastics camp. She was in 2 performances, “St. Patrick’s Day” and “Summer”.

Swimming with Friends

Swimming with Friends 7-18-15

Turtle Floatie

Daddy Won’t Give Up the Floatie 7-18-15

7-18-15 Group ice skating class in Basic 7, then we went to yoga. After lunch, she had a playdate with her friends, Isla, Ivory & Riley. Daddy took them swimming in the pool…daddy wouldn’t give up the turtle floatie!

Staying cool

Staying Cool! 7-19-15


7-19-15 Daddy took her out for breakfast. After lunch we went to her friend, Zoe’s 5th birthday party. We are having record breaking heat, so she stayed cool on the slip n’ slide.
7-20-15 Dropped her off at the bus that took her to another Girl Scout camp this week. Her friends, Lindsay and Allie are going too. Picked her up early to make it to her ice skating class and she was babbling about all the things they did, learning about ferns, etc. In the car, the song, “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes comes on. After the line about not being into yoga is played, I hear her yelling form the back, “I’m not into yoga!” I take her with me about once per week to the kid class and always have to make her go. She started bugging me about getting treats when we got to the ice rink, but she kept asking and arguing with me when I told her no. And continued arguing, so I ended up yelling at her, then she says, “You make me feel like everyone’s mad at me” as she’s crying. Thanks for making mommy feel like sh*t! And, then I start thinking I’m damaging her psyche for life and she’s going to need years of therapy when she’s older. Once we arrived at the rink, she was fine again. On the way home, she said she didn’t like the camp, but didn’t know why. With some prying, discovered it was because she didn’t want to do the one night sleepover on Thursday because there are girls there she doesn’t know and she feels safer sleeping near mommy and daddy. Told her I’d pick her up that day.

Warming Up for Ballet

Warming Up for Ballet 7-21-15

7-21-15 Made it through another day of Girl Scout camp. They’re teaching her songs that she continuously sings over and over. And, when we got home, she turned on Sprout and yells happily, “Caillou!” Shoot me now! Proceeded to her ballet class after bathing the 7 hours of dirt off of her.

Swim Lesson

Swim Lesson 7-22-15

7-22-15 After camp, went to her swim lesson.
7-23-15 Tonight was the overnight at camp, she did NOT want to spend the night, so I picked her up at 4pm. Her reasoning is that there are girls there that she doesn’t know and it makes her nervous to share a cabin with them and she has never spent the night away from mom and dad. So, she wants to try an overnight at one of her friends this year, then she’ll do the Girl Scout overnight next year. We met her friend, Alara for sushi, then Alara took her out for FroYo since she can’t make it to her birthday party on Sunday.
7-24-15 Morning ice skating lesson with her coach, then she said she was tired, so we skipped the last day of Girl Scout camp. It’s been a while since I spent an entire day hanging out with her; I forgot how much she constantly talks. We put together her goody bags for her birthday party on Sunday.
7-25-15 Daddy took her to her morning ice skating Basic 7 class while I went to yoga. She spent the day with daddy doing Easy Bake, so I could shop for her birthday party tomorrow.

C is for cakes by Ashley

C is for cakes by Ashley 7-26-15

7th Birthday Party

7th Birthday Party 7-26-15


BFF’s 7-26-15

American Girl Cayley's New Dresses

American Girl Cayley’s New Dresses 7-26-15

7-26-15 She woke up excited and it didn’t take long for her to start asking how much longer until her party (started at 3:15pm). 2:30pm finally arrived, so we headed to the gymnastics studio to set up for 22 kids and the parents that stayed. The party and the cupcakes that a mom from her Girl Scout troop made were a hit! She started a cake decorating business about a year ago and I asked her to make cupcakes with ice skate decorations. Super cute! American Girl Doll, Cayley received 3 new outfits, a Belle dress, pink ice skating dress with silver skates and a pink nightgown with slippers. Her actual birthday is on the 28th, so I’m making her wait to open her presents from mom and dad. Today she received some great gifts and I told her she had to donate half to the children’s hospital…this may not go over so well. She had so much fun today!


Mohawk 7-27-15

7-27-15 First day of science camp. So glad she had fun since she didn’t want to go because she thought it would be like school. She brought home a mohawk…not sure what this has to do with science. Then, she had ice skating class.


Noisemakers 7-28-15

7-28-15 She turns 7 today! After science camp, she opened her presents from mom & dad, then went to her favorite sushi restaurant. Camp are teaching her about sound waves, so they have been sending home noisemakers, specifically a guitar with a laser light, drum set and an extremely loud clapper. Thanks science camp! She’s playing a guitar and rocking out…it’s frightening!

Hippo Game

Hippo Game 7-29-15

7-29-15 She made a battery powered hippo game at science camp today, then she had her swimming lesson. We were supposed to go to her friend.
7-30-15 Another day of science camp, then we were supposed to have a playdate with her friend, Kate, but Kate’s mom was running late, I didn’t get the text, so I thought they forgot, so we came back home. She had a tantrum and whined for at least an hour and stated that she would never have fun again! So dramatic when things don’t go as planned!

Science Camp

Science Camp 7-31-15

Basic 5 Ice Competition

Ice Competition 7-31-15

7-31-15 Picked her up early from science camp because she had an in-house ice competition at 3pm. She made a battery powered animation machine and car; and, a music amplifier. Impressive stuff! While we were in the car to the rink, she told me that she knew the characters at Disneyland aren’t real that she just pretended they were real when we were there. I told her that I thought they WERE real and she told me to “act normal” because she knows I know they are not real. We raced around to the ice rink and she said she was nervous. She had an off day and fell during her Basic 5 program, so she got 3rd place. She was okay with it. I surprised her with a cat Stuffie after the competition. This was the last “Beauty and the Beast” performance, her music will change at the next one.

About Emily Hotchkiss

RYT200 Certified Yoga Teacher
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1 Response to July 16 thru 31, 2015

  1. HappyFamily says:

    Happy Birthday to your daughter. What amazing experiences for her daughter. Her schedule has me exhausted just reading. The things we do for our kids. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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